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17 Jan 2018
Wheelchair dating
Deciding that you want to spend your life with a special person can be a great goal in life. It’s said that people who are married or living with partners live far longer than single people who remain alone for their entire lives. But finding that special someone can be a difficult journey, particularly when you’re confined to a wheelchair. Most online dating sites simply don’t have any field that you can tick off to mention that you’re disabled, and most don’t even have a comments section. Fortunately, there’s a website where you can sign up for wheelchair dating, so you can find a special person who understands the challenges that you face in life.
Many people believe that when they’re disabled they’re never going find anyone, especially when their wheelchair may scare away suitors. But that is an erroneous belief. Most people in wheelchairs date, get married, and have children. There’s no reason why you should allow your wheelchair to get in the way of dating. After all, it enables you to travel around, and do things that you wouldn’t normally be able to do otherwise. And while there are some prejudiced people out there, for the most part, most people don’t care if their friends are in a wheelchair.
Some singles may say, “Forget it, I’m only going to date other people who are in a similar situation as me”. And that’s fine. Wheelchair dating will match up two people together with similar likes, interests, and values. While your non-disabled friends may be willing to help you out, a person who isn’t in a wheelchair may not understand the additional challenges you face as you go about your day-to-day activities. If it’s important to you to have a partner who understands, then signing up for wheelchair dating may be the best decision you make in life.
People who have to use a wheelchair to travel around during the day may benefit from having a partner in life. Sometimes there are daily challenges and a second person can help you out around the house. Maybe you’re having trouble trying to reach something, clean something, or even move furniture around the house. With a second person, they can help you out with tasks that you may need to get done. Everyone gets frustrated and angry sometimes, but having a boyfriend or girlfriend can help you calm down and get your tasks and errands done. And most of the time, you can do them yourself anyway, but you were just getting too annoyed, and when people are annoyed, they aren’t very productive.
Give wheelchair dating a try. It’s easy to sign up and you will soon get to view profiles of other singles in your area who are also interested in wheelchair dating. You may not find someone you like right away, but getting outside the house to meet people is the first step. And who knows, that special person may be just around the corner.